Pauline Bach
About Me
Pauline Bach is a health and wellness coach and former critical care nurse at Overlake. Her nursing background includes taking care of patients after cardiac interventions and open-heart surgeries. In addition to coaching, she performs health screenings in the corporate setting.
Pauline joined the Overlake Foundation board in 2016. She is also a long-time board member of the Bellevue Boys and Girls Club and has served on its personnel committee, auction committee, safety committee and CEO search committee. In addition, she volunteers as a nurse at Neighborcare Health Pike Place Clinic for diabetic foot screenings.
Born in the Netherlands, Pauline moved to the United States when she was 9 years old. She graduated with a BS-RN degree from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her ability to speak four languages gives her a unique approach to communicating with and understanding people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.