In the News: Why no one should skip the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine

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As more Washingtonians begin receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, state health experts are urging the importance of receiving both doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine. Edward Leonard, MD, spoke to KIRO Radio's Nicole Jennings on why both doses of the vaccine are necessary and play a key role in fully protecting people from COVID-19.

From the story: “The first dose kind of gets things going, and then the second dose comes behind and boosts it even more, so that the immune response creates even more antibodies,” said Dr. Leonard. “If you think about studying in school, and you take a midterm, think of that as the first dose — you’re getting the first amount of learning of the material and then the final exam is the booster dose. So you’ve studied more, you’ve got more information.”

Read the full story here.