Physical Therapy
Physical therapy uses physical exercises and hands-on care to restore movement and function to injured areas of the body. It also helps reduce pain, strengthen muscles and keep injuries from getting worse over time. At Overlake Medical Center, our physical therapists are highly trained and experienced in treating all types of injuries in teens and adults. Whether you have a sports injury, are dealing with vertigo or are experiencing postpartum pelvic pain, we are here to serve you.
What We Treat
Our physical therapy team has years of experience in a wide range of specialty areas:
- Spine injuries and conditions, including back pain
- Sport-related injuries, with an emphasis on return to play
- Sprain, strains and tendon injuries
- Repetitive use injuries
- Vestibular (balance) disorders, dizziness and post-concussion management
- Neurological conditions including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and peripheral neuropathy
- Pelvic floor disorders
Our physical therapy team offers a wide variety of treatments, and some of our top offerings include:
Orthopedics, sports and spine therapy
We provide comprehensive services for orthopedic, sports and spine-related injuries for adolescents and adults. Whether you injured yourself during sports or at work, or have pain from a past injury, we will create an individualized program to help get you back to your regular activities. Our physical therapy programs usually include a physical evaluation and a combination of manual therapy, exercises and at-home PT instructions.
Adolescent physical therapy
Physical therapy for teens and young adults can be particularly challenging because their bodies are still growing and changing. Our physical therapists have special training and understanding in the growth and development of adolescents. This expertise makes us skilled experts in building PT programs for young people to help get them back to playing sports and doing the activities they enjoy most.
Vestibular and post-concussion management
Vestibular physical therapists receive specialized, ongoing training to treat dizziness and balance issues, including vertigo and post-concussion syndrome. We understand that living with these conditions can be distressing, and we will develop an individualized treatment plan to help you feel better.
Neurological physical therapy
Our team is skilled in neurological physical therapy, which is treatment for conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord. With physical therapy, we help people with neurological disorders regain movement, function, coordination and balance. Our goal is to help people with neurological conditions and injuries have the best possible quality of life. Some of the most common neurological conditions we treat with physical therapy include Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and peripheral neuropathy.
We are especially skilled in LSVT BIG®. With this treatment, people learn to move their bodies through physical exercises to improve mobility and balance. This treatment is highly customized to meet each person’s needs. The overall goal of this type of therapy is to help perform daily activities more safely and efficiently.
Pelvic health therapy
Our pelvic health physical therapists specialize in helping women and men who have pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, and bladder and bowel issues. Our physical therapists have expert training in treating muscle, soft tissue and nerve injuries in the pelvic area to help people return to more comfortable function.
Palliative care and physical therapy
Physical therapy is an important part of our palliative care program to improve strength and energy for people who have been diagnosed with cancer or other life-limiting illnesses. Our goal is to help people maintain and improve their ability to perform daily activities with comfort. Physical therapy can also aid in pain management and in-home safety to lower the risk of injury.
Coordinated care with other departments
To ensure that you receive the care you need, we partner with many departments at Overlake, including:
- Rehabilitation, including occupational therapy and speech therapy
- Neurosciences, including neurology
- Urogynecology
- Obstetrics and gynecology
What to Expect
Some people may come to physical therapy multiple times a week, while others may go a few times a month. During your first visit, you’ll discuss your injury or condition and goals with your physical therapists. From there, your physical therapist will develop a treatment plan that will involve different types of exercises and stretches. They will also give you home exercises and self-management techniques to help you heal and reach your goals. We recommend that you wear loose clothing to your appointments or clothes that you can move around in easily and comfortably.
What questions should I ask my provider about physical therapy?
- Do you commonly treat my condition?
- How is physical therapy going to help me?
- What specific types of physical therapy will be provided for my condition?
- When can I expect to see results from my physical therapy?
- What level of pain or discomfort can I expect during physical therapy?
How can I see a physical therapist at Overlake?
To make a physical therapy appointment at Overlake, you’ll need a referral through your primary care provider or orthopedic specialist. Some physical therapy appointments may be available via telehealth, depending on your visit and your needs.
Can physical therapy help me avoid surgery?
In many cases, physical therapy may help prevent the need for surgery. But your results will depend on the extent of your injury.
Patient Resources
You’ll need a referral from your primary care provider or orthopedic specialist for physical therapy at Overlake. Ask your provider to download and complete the referral form, and have the referral faxed to (425) 688-5912.
After the referral has been submitted, call us at (425) 688-5900 to schedule your appointment. Some physical therapy appointments may be available via telehealth, depending on your visit and your needs.
For patients: