What You Can Do to Fight Flu and COVID-19 This Fall

With the arrival of fall, health experts anticipate an increase in both COVID-19 and flu cases. As cooler temperatures set in and we spend more time indoors, it's easier for these viruses to spread. Flu season in the United States can begin as early as October and last as late as May, putting many at risk. Fortunately, updated vaccines for the flu and COVID-19 are now available, helping you and your family stay healthy through the colder months.
Who should get the fall and winter virus vaccines?
To help protect yourself and those around you, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months, with rare exceptions, receive the updated 2024–2025 flu and COVID-19 vaccines.

*Information provided by vaccines.gov
Are updated COVID-19 and flu vaccines available in Washington?
Yes! As of Sept. 11, 2024, King County Public Health reports that updated flu and mRNA COVID vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) are starting to become available in the area. While availability is expected to increase in the coming weeks, it's a good idea to contact your pharmacy or healthcare provider, or check their website, to confirm if they have the vaccines you're looking for.
Should I Get a COVID-19 Vaccine If I Recently Had COVID?
If you’ve recently recovered from COVID-19, the CDC advises waiting three months before getting the updated COVID-19 vaccine. During this period, your risk of reinfection is lower. However, certain factors might make it important to get vaccinated sooner:
- Personal risk of severe COVID-19.
- Risk of COVID-19 in a family or household member or other close contact.
- Local levels of COVID-19 illness.
Taking preventive measures can help reduce your risk of flu, COVID-19 and RSV, and keep you and your family healthy. Make an appointment with your Overlake Clinics Primary Care provider today to schedule a flu shot. Visit vaccines.gov or vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov for locations offering COVID-19, flu or RSV vaccination.